Tower of the Pulpits
TORRE DE LOS PÚLPITOS (Tower of the Pulpits)
The Tower of the Pulpits, located next to El Arco de la Estrella (Arch of the Star or New Gate), has a military, Gothic and Christian style, and was built in the fifteenth century. Its almost square interior structure reaches about 16 m. tall and is characterized by having two pulpits, similar to those used in the churches to preach.
It is the only tower, located outside the wall, that is attached to a palace. It communicates with the Palacio de Mayoralgo (Mayoralgo Palace) garden through an arch over the walkway, which was built in the eighteenth century, so that this family could have access to the amazing views of the Plaza Mayor (Main Square), where the most important events in the city took place.
In one of these events, the army of the city paid tribute to the visit of a member of the royal family and their commander wanted to have the troops forming a square. Then he noted that he had 36 men left and decided to put a row and a column on two consecutive sides, but then realized that he needed 75 more men. How many men were in the garrison?